The Boat Lift Warehouse PWC Lift has a 1,200 lb lifting capacity and the ability to hold a boat up to 5 ft wide, which is ideal for most applications of PWC Lifts. The Boat Lift Warehouse PWC Lift is unquestionably the easiest, and the fastest lift of its kind to install and use, making it DIY PWC lift friendly! Most of it is assembled when it is shipped, including all bunks and hardware. Many marine contractors have reported to us that the installation time is only half of the old Demco Dockside Lil Lifter product that Demco no longer produces.
Manual, belt drive, and direct drive options are available for both pile mount and dock mount.
Constructed of welded, marine-grade aluminum, you don’t need to worry about rust with this lift!
The piling mount needs a minimum of 26" above your dock and has a 4 inch channel.

We are proud to offer the finest products available at the best prices, such as this Boat Lift Warehouse PWC Lift. Our customer service, experience, and product knowledge really make us at Boat Lift Warehouse the clear choice for the DIY PWC Lift individual. Your do-it-yourself project will go smoother and with much less stress knowing you have the staff and resources of to back you up!
Questions? Contact Boat Lift Warehouse!