We’ve all been in the situation on a busy summer day at the boat ramp where everyone is trying to get their boat in the water, naturally at the same time. This situation can go one of two ways, extremely smooth or terribly embarrassing. As you are patiently waiting your turn to access the boat ramp, the other boaters can serve as quite the entertainment. There are a few very common embarrassing boat launches that we have all come across in our time or been a victim to.
- The first, as you are backing your vehicle and trailer into position you jackknife your trailer, leaving you in a back-and-forth frenzy in an attempt to quickly correct your mistake. While sometimes this issue is easily corrected, it can also lead to more issues such as crushing into that concrete piling on the side of the ramp.
- The next surefire way to entertain the many other boaters waiting their turn, is to drive off the trailer seamlessly only to reach the dock and notice that you are sinking. Yep, you forgot to put the plug in before putting your boat in the water.
- Third, the times you forget to raise the prop and slam it into the ground, potentially breaking or bending it.
- Lastly, in the midst of rushing to get your boat safely in the water you mistakenly gun the gas pedal and submerge your vehicle up to the driver’s door and closing the ramp entirely. No one wants to be the reason the boat ramp is closed for a few hours.
There are many other mishaps that can occur on a boat ramp that neither you want to experience or anyone else wants to wait on you to fix. Avoid the embarrassment and consider investing in a place to install a boat lift. When you choose to use a boat lift, the time and risks of harming your boat, trailer, vehicle, or more is greatly reduced. Call us today at 877.468.5438 to find out more about the benefits of a boat lift!