
Used Boat Lift Maintenance

Buying a boat lift is a big decision. You have to ensure that you choose the lift that best suits your needs, works well in your climate, and is within your budget. Buying the perfect lift can be expensive, especially when you find one that suits your needs exactly. One way you can lessen the initial cost of a boat lift is to purchase a used boat lift. Used boat lifts can have a lot of benefits but may also need additional maintenance. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your used boat lift.

Spot Check Regularly

The most important thing you can do for your boatlift to keep it in peak condition is to inspect it regularly. This is a simple tip, but it can be your most valuable tool in the preventative maintenance of your boat lift. You should periodically look over every detail of your boat lift. When something is wrong with your boat lift, you can often see it. The most common wear and tear that boat lift face are rusting and malfunctioning mechanical parts. You can avoid damage to your boat and replacement of your lift by detecting these problems early.

Avoid Water Damage

The primary purpose that a boat lift serves is to get your boat out of the water. Water damage can cause significant problems for both your boat and your boat lift. You should keep your boat lift as dry as possible. Every boat lift is different, so it may be necessary for some part of your lift to be submerged. Each time that you store your boat, you should ensure that as little of your lift as possible is touching the water. You can further avoid water damage by periodically rinsing your boat and your lift. If you are storing your boat in salt water, rinsing becomes even more critical. Salt buildup can lead to permanent damage to both your boat and your used boat lift.

Off-Season Maintenance

You might take a break from boating, but the elements are still hard at work on your boat lift. Make sure that you aren’t neglecting your boat lift in the winter months. Maintenance can often become a more prominent concern in the off-season that it is in the summer. Some climates can cause significant damage to boat lifts. If the temperature gets very low where you live, small parts can freeze up and break. If you don’t maintain your used boat lift in the off-season, minor problems can become major ones. Be sure to keep the same schedule of maintenance on your boat lift, even when you aren’t using it regularly.

A used boat lift can offer you a much as a new lift but with significant savings. In some cases, used boat lifts may need a little more maintenance than new boat lifts. Whether you buy a used boat lift or a new one, a rigorous maintenance schedule is never a bad idea. For all your boat lift needs, check our stock at

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