Pontoon boat lifts are a necessary tool for your pontoon boat. Here are a few reasons why you should invest in a pontoon boat lift from Boat Lift Warehouse if you haven’t already.
- Protects your boat from the fluctuating water levels and damage
- Reduces the risk of storm damage.
- Reduces the frequency of cleaning your pontoons (tubes).
- Easier to launch and retrieve your boat
- Easier to maintain your boat with a pontoon boat lift
Any boat that is left in the water without being used is susceptible to damage. Using a boat lift from Boat Lift Warehouse is a great way to avoid this damage and prevent losing money.
Choosing the right Pontoon Boat Lift
Several considerations should be made when selecting your pontoon boat lift. First, don’t skimp on weight capacity. New boat owners sometimes make the mistake of buying a boat lift that is too small or barely big enough to handle their boat. They often don’t consider that the dry weight of the boat doesn’t include fuel, water, gear, people, etc. Also, a new boat owner usually buys a starter boat and within a few years wants something larger. Buying a boat lift with just enough weight capacity to handle the current boat you have or are about to buy is short-sighted and will very likely cause you to have to replace the lift later – or at least reconfigure it to handle a larger boat. One should try to allow for this when making a lift purchase.
boathouse, 4-piling, or freestanding pontoon boat lift? If you have or will be building a boathouse it makes sense to utilize the structure for your boat lift. It reduces your cost compared to a 4-piling lift for smaller pontoons. For larger boats, or if you are not going to build a boathouse, a 4-piling lift is your best choice. There are situations where a free-standing pontoon boat lift is clearly the best and perhaps the only choice. Areas where the water freezes every year, where the water depth is too deep, or areas where restrictions only allow free-standing lifts. If you need help deciding, please don’t hesitate to call your friends here at Boat Lift Warehouse for help!
Tips for Launching
When launching your pontoon boat you should be sure to lower the lift enough to completely float the boat, to avoid any contact with the toons when launching. If you do not lower the pontoon enough to clear the lift you could damage the toons, and possibly even the lift, when launching your boat. You should always instruct any passengers on your boat to remain seated or brace themselves as you enter or exit the lift. Make sure everyone keeps their arms inside the boat and clear of the lift.
Pontoon boat lifts should never:
- Be left unattended while in use or on
- Raised or lowered above or below the recommended height
- Be operated by an unlicensed boater
These can result in damage to your boat, lift, dock, or the people around it.
Tips for Retrieving
When retrieving your boat, just reverse the steps for launching! Make sure that the cradle is deep enough to put the boat on while also minimizing damage. Have passengers leave the boat, and raise the cradle out of the water. Make sure the boat is secure on the cradle before raising it too high. Then, turn your pontoon boat lift off, and make sure everything is secure.
Pontoon Boat Lifts | Boat Lift Warehouse
Almost any boat lift can be converted to a pontoon boat lift, and not only does Boat Lift Warehouse have the best pontoon boat lifts in the business, but we also have the best customer service. Our boat lift professionals are proud to help our customers find what they need to have a successful and safe time on the water. Visit our website to purchase your pontoon boat lifts today!