The dock is a great place to hang out with family. There are tons of activities that you can do out on the dock! Fishing, bird watching, tanning, and jumping into the water are all super fun perks of having a dock. However, before those things can happen, dock safety rules are important to establish. Read on to learn more about important safety procedures that you should incorporate for your own dock and boat lifts.
Prepare For Fire
While it’s not fun to think about the bad things that can go wrong, it’s important to be prepared for them. Preparing for a fire will save you damages, money, and fear. Marina fires are fast progressing, and it’s important to be prepared to extinguish. Making sure your family and friends know about the P.A.S.S.(Pull, Aim, Squeeze, and Sweep) system and understand how to handle a fire extinguisher is key to protecting your loved ones and your dock.
Keep Up on Regular Maintenance
Half of the battle of dock safety is maintenance. Keeping your dock regularly maintained and checked may prevent you from spending tons of money later on when a problem arises. Electrical equipment is extremely important to correctly install. Improper installation can lead to electric shock drowning. The experts at Boat Lift Warehouse are here to assist you with any of your boat lift needs!
Boat Lift Warehouse | Eastern NC
Boat and dock safety is important to having a fun summer. We understand that with these new additions, there comes a lot of responsibility and education. The boat lift experts at Boat Lift Warehouse are here to help you with any of your worries, confusions, and questions. To learn more about dock safety, dock tips, and more interesting topics, visit our blog!