Brrr… the arctic air is setting in and that can only mean one thing. It’s the off season for us boaters out there. As the cold of winter continues to set in, it is imperative that your boat lift is prepared to withstand the frigid temperatures. The way to do this is to make sure that you are taking proper care of your boat lift motor. Now this can be difficult for some to grasp, but lucky for you, the professionals here at Boat Lift Warehouse have put together a little guide to help you better care for your boat lift motor.
The Simple Fix: Boat Lift Motor Cover
When it comes to prepping your boat lift for the winter, one of the easiest ways to ensure that the internals of your boat lift motor are protected is to purchase a cover for your internals. A cover for your lift motor will allow the internals of your lift to survive the elements as the snow or cold rain will not be able to penetrate the inner workings of the boat lift.
Remove the Motor
This next option can be a little more difficult for those less experienced folks out there. However, this is one method that will result in no damage to your boat lift motor whatsoever. Many of the key players in the boat lift industry will recommend that you always remove your motor from your lift, as if you do live in an area that experiences winter, then you will not be utilizing the boat at all in the coming months.
Replace Now
Last but certainly not least, you can always replace your boat lift motor each Winter to ensure that when Spring rolls around you are ready to get back on the water in no time. We have many different boat lift motors available for you to replace your current model with. Replacing the motor will ensure that you have a like-new experience every time you use your boat lift in the upcoming busy season.
Well there ya have it, three easy things you can do to ensure that your boat lift will be ready for the upcoming busy season and survive the bitter winter cold. If you have any further questions regarding boat lift motor care, feel free to contact us and we will do our best to help ensure that you are taking the best steps in boat lift motor care!