Are you a new parent that is struggling to figure out to enjoy your boat this upcoming summer while also making sure your boat will be a safe place for your new bundle of joy? Well look no further, here at Boat Lift Warehouse we have the perfect solution for you to take your kid on the water with ease. Our SearocK baby seat is just what you need.
The SearocK baby seat is safe and fun and will leave you feeling at ease over the summer while you enjoy your boat. Babies and toddlers love the gentle rocking motion of swings and carriers. While parents and grandparents love knowing their child is safe. The SearocK baby boat seat is the perfect combination of a swing, rocker, and chair to use on your boat. The seat offers a natural rocking motion that is able to comfort your baby while napping, snacking or quiet playtime.
This marine-grade baby seat is safe to use for babies or toddlers ages 6 to 36 months. The SearocK baby seat is crafted to hang under any sturdy boat top (yes, this includes the ribs of a bimini) using a 4-point harness that attaches above the seat and an additional stabilizer below the seat. A safety belt also keeps your child snuggly in the seat. While this baby seat is not intended to be used while your boat is underway, it is perfect when anchored because the stabilizer prevents excess rocking during a sudden wake (however, we don’t recommend leaving your child unattended during use).
So if you are ready to take the plunge and take your child out on the boat, look no further than Boat Lift Warehouse. With the SearocK boat seat, your child can be out of the sun and enjoy the view while you are docked or anchored. Feel free to contact us regarding any questions or concerns about our SearocK baby seat.