It’s almost the new year, and you know what that means… resolutions! It is a trend to start off January 1st with ways to better yourself throughout the upcoming year, but what about making resolutions to better your boating experience? Boat Lift Warehouse has put together this short list of boating resolutions for smooth sailing in 2021.
Get your equipment detailed.
There is no better way to start a year off than with a freshly detailed watercraft. After months of water fun with the entire family, a boat can build up grime and begin to wear. Having your boat cleaned, repaired if necessary, and resealed will prepare you for an even better year of boating ahead. Want to go the extra mile? Having someone professionally clean and detail your boat lift, boat lift parts, and dock can make the entire area feel as though it’s brand new.
Expand your knowledge.
It never hurts to take a boating safety class to refresh your knowledge and tactics. More boaters are hitting the water than ever before, so the more prepared drivers are the better. If you feel as though your safety knowledge is up to date, sharpen other boating skills by taking courses on navigation, knot tying, or even boating history.
Update your equipment.
While the bright orange, over the head flotation devices, are the traditional way to go, there is a wide variety of modernized life jackets on the market that work just as well or even better. With drowning being a leading cause of death on the water, investing in updated life jackets that will encourage your guests to wear them is a small task. Have you checked to make sure your other emergency and safety equipment works properly and are not expired? Do a quick run-through of your fire extinguishers, flares, carbon monoxide detectors, and your side lights to guarantee that they all function correctly. If they don’t, replace them immediately.
Purchase one of Boat Lift Warehouse’s boat lifts.
You’ve had your eye on one for months now, and the new year is the perfect time to finally take the leap and get yourself one of Boat Lift Warehouse’s many premium boat lifts. Give yourself the opportunity to have instant access to the water while being able to store your boat safely when not in use. There are many benefits to owning a boat lift, boat lift parts, and other dock accessories, which you can read about in our other articles.
Spend more time on the water.
We say it every year, but 2021 is a better time than any to actually do it! Making it a commitment to spend more time on the water whether your boating season is just a few short months, or year-round will let everyone enjoy your resolution. Additionally, achieving this resolution can be easier with the help of your newly installed boat lift and dock accessories from Boat Lift Warehouse.
What are your boating New Year’s resolutions? We came up with a few, but there are a variety that will help you prioritize your watercraft and it’s activities in the upcoming months.
Boat Lift Warehouse
Boat Lift Warehouse is dedicated to facilitating your shopping and buying experiences by providing the best quality boating products, excellent customer service, and easy to understand, accurate information about the products that we offer. Our highly qualified team is always more than happy to assist our customers in answering all of your questions to help you find the right boat lift products to meet each of your specific needs. Contact us today to learn more about the boat lifts we offer!