If you are planning to extend your boating season into the upcoming winter months, it is important to make sure you are dressed for success before beginning your cold-weather boating adventures. Whether you plan to drop your boat lifts to partake in a one-day outing or on an extended weekend cruise, you can enjoy your boat even when temperatures drop and it gets a little more chilly outside. Boat Lift Warehouse is here to share a few cold-weather boating attire tips to make sure you stay warm onboard your boats this season, whether you’re underway or just cuddling up in the slip or on your boat lifts:
Layer It Up
Layering truly is one of the best ways to stay warm. Each layer of clothing traps the warm air your body produces to keep you warm, and as the temperatures go up throughout the day, shedding a layer or two will keep you comfortable all day long.
Put A Lid On It
Wearing a hat, especially one that covers your ears, goes a long way toward keeping you warm on the water. Be sure to pack a hat of some sort, whether a toboggan or cap, to keep your head and ears warm at all times.
Check Your Footwear
Putting on a thick pair of wool socks sure sounds good when it’s freezing outside, but just make sure you’re not compromising the circulation in your feet by compressing thick socks inside tight shoes or boots. Boat Lift Warehouse suggests getting a pair of warm socks about a size and half larger to encourage more circulation and trap more air in the layers of your socks.
Get Handsy
For anglers, it’s almost impossible to tie on a lure or hook with big, bulky gloves on, while sailors might have a difficult time tying knots or cleating a line with a pair of gloves on. Investing in a good pair of breathable lightweight gloves to keep you warm can make these tasks much easier. Some gloves have coatings that allow you to use your touch-screen electronics or smartphone without having to take your gloves off, as well as other fingerless options that are also available.
Block Out The Wind
Once you’ve got everything covered and layered up, make sure you have a good windproof jacket and pants to help keep the air from penetrating your layering system. Breathable is better, as breathable fabrics let your perspiration out, keeping you warm and dry.
Boat Lift Warehouse
Using Boat Lift Warehouse boat lifts will ensure your boat is ready at a moment’s notice when you are ready to go on a chilly-day winter boating adventure. Stay warm with these five helpful winter weather attire tips, and contact Boat Lift Warehouse for all of your boating needs!